South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem at the Sturgis campground, Aug. 9.

Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images

Motorcyclists are risk takers and they like their freedom. Unfortunately, I am forced to share the risk and am losing my freedom because of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (“For Sturgis Rally Bikers, Risks Are a Way of Life,” U.S. News, Aug. 17).

After the 2020 rally, the incidence of Covid-19 infection in South Dakota increased dramatically. Now, after this year’s rally, it appears to be happening again. The problem is the travel of unvaccinated, nonmask-wearing, self-proclaimed risk-taking motorcyclists.

I wonder how life would have been different if South Dakota had maintained its pre-Sturgis Covid levels in 2020. Could my son have had a real wedding? Could I have gone to sporting events? Could I have gone to the funerals of my many friends who died of Covid?

David J. Goldammer

Sioux Falls, S.D.