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Deeds, not words, will
stop anti-Asian violence

Re. “Chinatown on edge after rash of attacks, robberies,” Page A1, Feb. 22:

I was disgusted after reading about assaults and mistreatment towards Asian Americans. President of Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, Carl Chan, demanded more community officers to protect the Chinatown area in Oakland. Asian organizations and networks created fundraisers that people had to pay out of their own pockets for more protection. What is the next part to create a safe community knowing most Asian people fear they’re the next target victim?

Oakland City Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas needs to focus on more government funding to help put processes in place. The national and local response does not have a sense of urgency. It seems like people are just talking about the situation but no action is being done.

Justin Rayo
Daly City

After explosion, SJ
must act on fireworks

I know people are probably fed up with harping against illegal fireworks, but we were reminded of the real danger yesterday with the tragedy in Ontario, California (“2 killed in explosion at California home caused by ‘large amount’ of fireworks,” March 17).

It is disruptive and dangerous when people set off illegal fireworks.

I beseech all of our city leaders to commit the resources now to go after the illegal sales of these military-grade explosives. If San Jose doesn’t have the resources, then create a task force with the multiple agencies in the Bay Area and the state government to root out this illicit and dangerous threat to our city.

As it happened in Ontario, it could easily happen right here too. Let’s make it a priority that it doesn’t happen here.

Jeff Levine
San Jose

Dual efforts to oust
effective governors

It appears to be a partisan tactic to pick on the popularly elected governors who have worked so hard for the health and safety of their constituents. Governors Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California are currently the objects of extreme criticism.

Some are working hard to turn these blue states to red and financing hate campaigns, spreading gossip to demean these leaders and replace them. They have even financed a recall campaign for Newsom.

New York and California had the most COVID-19 cases in the country but because of the strong leadership of these governors – closing businesses, encouraging mask-wearing, stay-at-home mandates – they rescued their residents. We should be proud and grateful for leaders who care more about the people’s welfare than their own popularity, and we shouldn’t be signing recall petitions.

Myra Orta
Los Altos

For the Senate to work,

filibuster reform needed

Without drastic changes to the filibuster, President Biden’s progressive agenda cannot advance through the Senate. I strongly support amending it as follows:

• The filibuster must be publicly supported by a minimum of 10 Senators

• A “filibustering” senator must speak in person 24/7 on the floor of the Senate in order for the filibuster to remain in effect.

With these changes, the minority will be heard, but the work of the Senate will not be blocked by just one or two senators. I believe that this rule change will only require a simple majority.

I urge Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Padilla to work with their colleagues in the Senate to make these critical changes happen. The country is watching.

Melinda Jennings
San Jose

State should get behind
mental health hotline

I felt an immense surge of advocacy in response to the Miles Hall Lifeline Act article (“Bill would create mental health crisis hotline,” Page B1, March 15). The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is transitioning their previous contact number to 988 by July 2022, and I believe this is beneficial for California to be a part of for those experiencing any sort of mental health crisis.

California joining this effort, as the bill seeks, would augment county call centers that partner with state crisis call centers to allocate the necessary services and response teams for anyone calling the lifeline as opposed to police officers. Imagine families having loved ones experiencing a mental health crisis being met with proper authorities that are capable of handling such scenarios as opposed to being met with violence. The California Legislature should pass AB 988 and find ways to publicized details to residents about further information.

Givanni Flores
San Jose

Maximum wage might
be better route to equity

I am retired but I understand and sympathize with the plight of the working poor. A higher minimum wage sounds like a good solution but the market will rapidly adjust and the gains will be short-lived.

What this country needs is a maximum wage instead of a minimum wage. If the maximum wage were a multiple of the wage of the lowest-paid worker in a company, management would automatically raise the lowest wage to sustain their own standard of living.

There is no reason for CEOs to earn hundreds of times the pay of the lowest-paid worker. Money spent by the working class stimulates the economy resulting in a healthier economy for all.

Phillip Pflager